Olivia Dean

Sounds Like: Izzy Bizu, JONES, Lily Moore

Its BOTM time folks and this month it’s the incredibly talented songstress Olivia Dean! The confessional soul singer talks to us about lockdown life, Sunday roasts and what 2021 has in store for her. Spoiler: It involves lots of smiles…

Thanks so much to the amazing Kelly Morrison for this incredible illustration as well!

Hey Olivia! How are you doing today?

I’m not too shabby, still a little hungover from my birthday at the weekend but powering on haha!

We feel you… Please introduce yourself to our lovely readers:

Hello readers! I’m a singer/songwriter from East London. I love yellow, Aretha Franklin and carbonara.

Haha excellent. How have you been coping with these continuously mad times? Are you all still based in East London?

Everyday is different to be honest, I’m just trying to take each one as it comes. I always say if the sun shining’s it’s almost impossible for me to have a bad day so as the weather gets a bit nicer I’m feeling more and more hopeful. But it’s been really heavy hasn’t it? I’ve been based in South – East London for the last 4 years and I love it here!

Your upcoming single ‘Be My Own Boyfriend’ is due for release very soon… What can you tell us about it?

Yes! I can not wait for everyone to hear this song, I’m very proud of it. I wrote ‘Be My Own Boyfriend’ just around the end of the first lockdown, I’d spent a lot of time alone in my flat and really had to learn to love my own company. I wanted to write a song about not needing an “other half” – I believe in already being whole, and once you fall in love with yourself – you’re laughing!

Hell yes! You released your amazing EP ‘What Am I Gonna Do On Sundays?’ last year – are there any themes running through it?

My last EP was me processing a break-up, I was finding my voice and rediscovering myself. Listening back now, the music feels very sad and does remind me of quite a low point in my life – but writing it was the best therapy and I’m very glad it’s out in the world.

What do you do on Sundays?

I try to keep them very mellow. Start with a big lie in, then do some yoga, ride around on my bike and normally I would go back east and have a Sunday roast with my family 🙂

OMG yes, Sunday roasts are THE ONE. Anyway… what’s your songwriting process like?

It always comes from real life situations, I’m always making mental notes of lyric/song ideas and then I’ll get to the studio and flesh them out. I’m trying not to overthink things too much – just having fun with it and writing things I’d like to listen to.

Describe your sound in five words:

It’s Really Good, I Think ?

It is. Who would you say are your biggest influences?

I love lyrics! Carole King, Amy Winehouse, Paul Simon. Also I’ve always loved the Motown era, the harmonies/backing vocals – the glamour of it all!

You previously attended the prestigious BRIT School, what was that like?

I loved it. It’s full of like- minded people, getting into BRIT really gave me that confidence boost to think I could actually make writing songs a full time job. I met all my best mates there and just generally had a laugh for 4 years.

You’re signed to London Label AMF alongside the likes of Loyle Carner and Marika Hackman – how did this come about?

They just reached out over a year ago and said they wanted to meet me! It happened quite quickly, it really felt like we were on the same page about the kind of artist I want to be.

What was it like touring with Rudimental?

I couldn’t believe it at the time. I’d just left college and went straight onto these massive festival stages – I had SO much fun. I’m so grateful to the Rudimental boys for taking me along with them, I learnt so much.

Cuuuute. What advice would you give artists starting out in the music industry?

Please try not to compare yourself to other artists, don’t obsess over numbers. I’m a perfectionist but I really believe in quality over quantity, there’s no rush, enjoy the process of making something you’re really proud of.

Are there any emerging London-based artists you’d recommend?

Hope Tala, Lava La Rue, Cosha – all very very talented.

What are your plans for 2021?

Lot’s of smiling! As much live music as humanly possible! Less stress!

Any final pearls of wisdom?

No feeling is final! I promise! You will start to feel better and the beer gardens will be open soon xxx

Thanks so much Olivia! Xxx

Not a problem! Hope you all have a great day now!

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