Mathilda Homer

Sounds Like: Izzy Bizu, Joy Crookes, Elli Ingram

This month’s Band of the Month is rising jazz-pop sensation Mathilda Homer! We chat about the joys of lockdown life, Mathilda’s exciting upcoming EP and why female artists should be supporting female artists more!

Also, big love to our guest illustrator Nakisha Kiely for creating this incredible image x

Hey Mathilda! How are you doing?

Hello, I’m well thanks. Bumbling through this third lockdown.

Eugh, tell us about it… Please introduce yourself to our lovely readers:

Hello lovely readers, I hope you’re all well. My name is Mathilda Homer, I’m a singer and a songwriter. I write songs about things I’m too nervous to talk about, and then sing them.

How have you been coping with these continuously mad times? Are you all still based in London?

The first lockdown I found quite thrilling, like nothing any of us had ever experienced, which kind of excited me in an odd way. But the novelty has worn off, and now I’m just sad at how devastating this situation has been for everyone. I miss everything live. I really miss cafes too.

We feel you! How did you manage to celebrate Christmas and New Year in these tricky times?

Luckily for me I live with my parents atm and my siblings, so we were all together over the Christmas period. New Year’s Eve was different, it was a small occasion, and we normally celebrate it in a big way, but this New Years was a slight relief that the year was over, a different feeling.

You released your stunning acoustic cover of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Midnight Sky’ just before Christmas – what made you choose to cover this song in particular?

I love Miley Cyrus. Ever since I first heard her I felt connected to her, maybe because she has a bit of a husky voice too, it’s lovely to hear fellow husky voice singers. I was in the car when the song came on radio one, and I was like yep, that’s the one!

You also released your rather jazzified single ‘Do You Want To Know A Secret’ last year – can you tell our readers what its all about?

In 2018 I got approached to sing a cover of it for the Christmas Cadbury’s advert. It came out on TV but I never released a version that people could listen to without watching the advert. I occasionally would get a message asking if they could hear the song again, so I thought as it’s been a difficult year, I would release it as an early Christmas present.

Have you got a secret you can share with us?

Yes, I fell down a cesspit when I was 7, and my brother saved me.

No way, that’s mad! What’s your songwriting process like?

In a room with a writer/ producer. They play chords, I sing melody’s and the sound of words, then I write down the things I’m saying and the lyrics start appearing.

Describe your sound in five words:

Folky, jazzy, souly, poppy, and lyrical.

Who would you say are your biggest influences?

Eva Cassidy. She’s my absolute favourite.
Tracy Chapman. A childhood classic.
My dad listened to a lot of Bob Dylan.

I suppose they have a theme of classic songwriter through them all, and timeless.

You have a new EP due for release this year – are there any themes running through it?

You know when you’re in a relationship and you know it can’t go any further but you’re too scared of breaking it off because you don’t know what or who you’d be without them? And also mental health, something that I haven’t written a lot about at all, but this year it really hit home.

What advice would you give artists starting out in the music industry?

Network, DM people. Don’t dm anyone something embarrassing because you’ll probably meet them in a few years and you’ll completely regret your gushing dm (it’s happened to me don’t worry). Post lots of videos on social media of you singing/doing your artistry. Make musical friends.

Are there any emerging London-based artists you’d recommend?

She’s not London based, but she’s called Morgan Harper Jones. She’s got the most beautiful voice and infectious personality. And I think that’s the winning combo to be successful. She’s definitely one to watch.

What are your plans for 2021?
I want to do GIGS!!! (hopefully) I’d love to do festivals. More things that are chatting and musical. Some really good music videos. And to get as much music that I love OUT!

Any final pearls of wisdom?

If you’re a female artist, support other female artists. It makes everything such a joy! Xx

Wise words indeed! Thanks so much Mathilda ❤️

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