Sounds Like: Bikini Kill, Dream Wife, Le Tigre
We’ve been solid stans of feminist punk witches Dream Nails for quite some time now. We’ve had the pleasure of working with them in the past and we’re extremely proud of how far they’ve come. This month we were lucky enough to chat to their super cool drummer Lucy Katz about all things Dream Nails and it was a dreamy delight.
Special shout out to Emma McGowan for another dreamy drawing!
Hey Dream Nails! How’s it going?
Well hello there! It’s going pretty nice. Feeling those calm Sunday vibes right now.
We feel you… Please introduce yourselves to our lovely readers:
We are four queer feminist punk witches from London sent to hex up the patriarchy baby.
Heck yeah! How have you been coping with these continuously mad times? Are you all still living in London?
By reminding ourselves that it’s a time for self-maintenance, rather than self-improvement or growth (but if you are achieving those heights then good for you) and finding joy in small and simple things like we all are! and yes… we are still London-ing….
What have you been doing to keep yourselves entertained?
Watching films and TV, reading, listening to music, practicing our instruments and cooking delicious food! We are enjoying this hibernation mode to be honest. In the first lockdown where we all had a little more energy, we created a new youtube series called ‘Things I’ve Taught Myself To Do In Lockdown‘ which ranged from Yorkshire Puddings to eco-bricks – it was a moment where resourcefulness and self-sufficiency were a type of entertainment and luckily that’s what we are all about!
Love it. You’ve just released your already ICONIC self-titled debut album – are there any themes running through it?
Wo! Thanks for calling it Iconic!!! There are plenty of themes – when we were choosing the tracks that would make the final cut, we ensured we had a healthy balance of ‘jokes’ ‘queer’ and ‘political’ – and we tried to create a tracklisting which would exhibit the best of our brand of intersectional feminist ragejoy.
What’s your favourite song from the album?
My personal favourite is ‘Text Me Back (Chirpse Degree Burns)’ because I think it’s absolutely hilarious, perfectly relatable, and based on a tragic post-Glasto true story.
That’s one of ours faves too! What’s your songwriting process like?
It varies! Often Janey and Anya will cook up some lyrical and melodic delights, and then bring it to practice and Mimi and I try out different drum and bass ideas, and we all just keep working on it as a group until it feels right and ready.
Describe your sound in five words:
Exuberantly radical catchy punk bangers.
Who would you say are your biggest influences?
Musically we are influenced by 90’s and 00’s political punk and pop-punk – RATM and bands of youth like Blink 182 and Green Day – but attitude wise we are moved by the boldness of the original Riot Grrrls.
You recently signed to acclaimed label and HRMNY faves Alcopop! Records, how did that come about?
They got in contact with us after hearing ‘Vagina Police’ online! We are so grateful to work with a label that trusts us so implicitly, understands and respects our music and mission, and comes up with as many off-the-wall hair-brained schemes as we do! Big Love to Jack <3
Haha amazing. What advice would you give artists starting out in the music industry?
Have FUN! Make the music YOU want to make and hear according to the skill level you have available to you. Disregard the bullshit profferd by the boys-club tech gang that you don’t know enough about Music and aren’t competent enough. These things come with time, practice, and collaboration with people you trust. The process of gelling creatively with your group and feeling like your flourishing as a unit is a really precious experience and one to be relished.
Are there any emerging London-based artists you’d recommend?
We can’t wait for the real emergence of all the lockdown-bedroom artists of 2020! While we wait, we are also repping our peers in bands like Best Praxis, Charasmatic Megafauna and Screaming Toenail.
Great band names also. You are going to be releasing one of our fave tracks ‘Vagina Police’ on limited edition vinyl to raise money for Abortion Support Network – why is this cause important to you as a band?
Well not only is there a huge need for ASN’s work to assist people safely terminate pregnancies in places where it’s illegal – especially given the recent legislation change in Poland – but we have a strong affiliation with and want to promote work of small, frontline, grassroots organisations who work tirelessly and without stable financial support to put the health and wellbeing of women and pregnant people first, without compromise.
We’ve always loved you for your strong political views and constant LGBQT+ support – what else do you think the music industry can do collectively to show their support?
As a band or artist, there is only so much you can do – change needs to come from within the industry on every level. We would like to see promoters, bookers, PR, venue management – basically everyone – modify their work cultures and priorities . There needs to be a shift in focus on behalf of the music press too; we don’t live in an a-political landfill indie world anymore; bands and artists have a lot to offer in terms of awareness-building and politics and the music press needs to reflect this more accurately.
Here here! You recently did a live House Party show for your fans – how was that?
It genuinely filled the wholes in our hearts from the dearth of live shows this year! We had over 350 households tuned in and we played our whole album in order! Getting to chat with fans from all over the world at the same time was super special and we felt like a true global Sxsterhood. In classic us fashion we went very-overboard and created a special Gig-In-A-Box for some lucky fans! It included earplugs, vegan treats and a piece of replica sticky floor so you felt like you were actually at your favourite dingy DIY venue.
When can we see you *virtually* live next?
On Sunday 6th December for our Feministmas extravaganza! we have a special festive Gig-In-A-Box for some lucky participants, and a virtual merch table with some exclusive, brand new goodies. It’s gonna be the classic Dream Nails part stand-up part punk show with lots of real-time chat with viewers, a raffle, obligatory Christmas covers and much more. Bring ya cats, bring ya mum, bring ya houseplants. Tickets are pay-what-you-can and are available here:
Where can we find you online?
You can find us on the social media platform of your choice!
All our music and merch is available from our Bandcamp and here:
Any final pearls of wisdom?
Now is the time for indulgence…. eat chips all the time, have a daily hot chocolate, have a little lie-in – treat yourselves 🙂
Thanks guys! Xxx
Thank youuuu ❤️
Photo credit: Marieke Macklon
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